Nadir Istikhara
Istikhara in Islam for your variety of worldly needs. These are tried & tested and are 100% working Alhamdulillah! Fisabilillah. O you who have believed, if you support ALLAH, He will support you and plant firmly your feet- 47:7 Sūrah Muḥammad. yaALLAH.in need your support. Are you confused? Are you not able to decide which way to go? Are you not sure what’s right for
you? Are you afraid of taking decisions? No more dilemma now, Seek ALLAH’s guidance now. Whatever the way you go, will surely be in your favor Insha ALLAH.
Istikhara for Business
This A verry special Dua Istikhara for Business or Job. If you want to know whether that business or job is in your favor or not?
yaALLAH Nikah Istikhara
This Dua will help anyone who wants to marry someone special and need to know whether his or her marriage will be in their favor or not?
Istikhara For Future
This Dua will help to seek the guidance of ALLAH Subhanahu Wata ‘Ala. you will get the exact detail. Which you have to follow. Which option is best for you and which one doesn’t fit.